We are problem solvers. We are architects and masterplanners and we have the specialist skills to help your project achieve its potential: we are urban designers, heritage consultants, sustainability experts, interior designers and more. We provide architectural and urban design services for all RIBA work stages alongside specialist services that can simplify the process and elevate the result.

Architectural Design

We are an award winning, design-led architectural practice dedicated to creating sustainable, responsible architecture for our clients, the building users and their wider communities. Based around five studio groups, we design in 2D and 3D, using sketches, BIM, models, visualisations and film to engage you in a dialogue to get to the best possible outcome. We provide services for all RIBA work stages, as well as interior design for our buildings.

Building: Faculty of Arts Building, Warwick University
Location: Warwick
Architect: Fielden Clegg Bradley


From the very outset of your project, we can help you discover, define, design, refine, detail and deliver your masterplan.
Our specialist masterplanning and urban designers bring their experience of analysis, community engagement, collaboration and regulatory compliance to ensure your scheme is viable and adds value from a social, environmental, cultural and economic perspective.

Aerial Kigali green city

Digital Design

By adopting a series of tools that fully integrate with our BIM authoring tool, Revit, we can communicate with, manage and lead the design team in order to deliver objectives on time and within budget. We provide BIM Manager and BIM Coordinator roles and are ISO 19650 accredited.

Client Design Advisors

As our projects move onto site and the contractor takes control of the design, we are able to take on the role of client design advisor, offering independent and impartial guidance on all related design issues, impacts and risks. We work closely and collaboratively across teams to ensure our buildings fulfil our clients’ needs – whatever the contract.

Battersea East Masterplan

Heritage Consultants and Conservation Architects

Buildings carry an important part of our cultural inheritance.  Our heritage consultants undertake assessments and coordinate surveys to fully understand historic fabric and context.
We have accredited conservation architects embedded within our architectural teams. They have the specialist skills to work with the historical fabric of listed and heritage buildings, developing conservation management plans and creatively bringing them up to contemporary social, regulatory and environmental standards, ultimately realising their potential in the next chapter of their stories.

Alexandra Palace Theatre

Retrofit Architects

Most of the buildings that will be standing in 100 years have already been built. Our specialist architects work with buildings from every era, from historic to modern times to improve their fabric and ensure they are able to operate efficiently with minimal energy use. Working within the studio design teams they carry out assessments of existing buildings and create strategies for their reuse and a low energy future.

Architectural Photography, Bristol, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Food, Rebecca Noakes Photography, Senate House, University of Bristol

Architectural Photography, Bristol, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Food, Rebecca Noakes Photography, Senate House, University of Bristol

Sustainability Consultants

The foundations of Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios are in low energy architecture  and we remain leaders in this field. Our specialist sustainability experts and researchers are integrated into our studio teams bringing the latest in sustainable design thinking to our work, assessing and designing for low embodied carbon in construction and operational carbon in use. We developed FCBS Carbon to help us to measure and reduce the embodied carbon in our designs.
We return for post occupancy evaluation to ensure that our buildings are working as expected, evolving our work and lightening the burden on the planet.

Bath Studio

Passivhaus Designers

Low operational energy is vital for a net zero future, and Passivhaus principles is an important tool to help to achieve that. Our Passivhaus designers and Passivhaus consultant work within each of the studio groups, leading on delivering buildings within the standard methodology, whether aiming for Passivhaus certification or guiding a fabric first approach.


Principal Designer

The Principal Designer is an integral part of the design team, managing the reduction of risks through collaboration. We have the required technical and professional competence, based on our knowledge of how buildings are constructed, maintained and even demolished, as well as an understanding of new materials and methods of construction.

Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings